France; September 2nd,1918

My Dear People,

Just a few lines to let you know that I am quite well. I did not go to the war this time, but, was sent to a sniping school which will last a little over a fortnight, it is a long long way behind the line in a very pretty quiet place & and the work is light & interesting I am having a real good easy time. 

The French people here are just getting their harvest in, most of it is cut and stooked in the fields, and they are carting it into little stacks, later they will come round with their threshers & thresh it. They will have a splendid return this year.

The news from the front continues good & we are evidently making very good progress. I do not suppose I will get any mail while I am at this school they will keep it for me at the Batt.

I am enclosing a rough snap I had taken in a little village not far away the other day.  My "dial" looks a bit "harder" than it really is, but, it is a fairly true photo.

The weather continues fine which is a great help to the push that is going on.

Well, I will close now as there is not much news here. Hoping you are all quite well.

I remain,

Your Loving Son & Brother
